To generate a random maze inside the selected rectangle, select this item. This command not available because no Bolo maps are currently open, or because a rectangular area has not been selected. To make a random maze inside the selected rectangle, select this item. To generate a random island inside the selected region, select this item. To randomly fill the selected region with the terrain chosen in the ToolBox, select this command. To outline the selected region with the terrain chosen in the ToolBox, select this command. To fill the selected region with the terrain chosen in the ToolBox, select this command. To make a grass island with start squares, select this command. To replace craters with road over the entire map, or in a selected region, select this item. To replace boats with water over the entire map, or in a selected region, select this item. To clear mines from the entire map, or a selected region, select this item. To add a number of randomly placed bases and/or pillboxes throughout the entire map, or a selected region, select this item. To set the initial values of ALL bases and/or pillboxes in the Bolo map to the default values, select this item. To remove ALL bases, pillboxes, and/or start squares from the Bolo map, select this item. Performs operations on Bolo maps.